Am I a candidate for upper eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty?

eyelidBlepharoplasty, is the surgical name for “eyelift surgery”, and is one of the most common procedures performed by a Plastic Surgeon.

You may not have a medical problem and might consider cosmetic blepharoplasty if you have excessive “droop” or “sagging” of the skin around your eyes. Patients report looking more youthful and rested as the loose tissue around the eyes are tightened, and fine lines and wrinkles are smoother.

Dr Kevin Ho uses techniques where the incisions are hidden within the natural folds of the upper eyelids. Along with addressing other factors such as the height of the brow, the position and taper of the eyelid crease and the prominence of the eyes, these factors critical to your end result are discussed during your consultation.

To arrange a quote and learn more about what you would expect to achieve after your surgery schedule a consultation with Dr Kevin Ho.



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