This website contains imagery which is only suitable for audiences 18+. Plastic Surgery is invasive and has risks.

Plastic Surgery
Before & After Pictures

Our plastic surgeon, Dr. Kevin Ho, showcases his results through these before and after pictures from his patients. Witness the transformative results achieved with precision, care, and an eye for detail. Dr. Ho’s expertise ensures natural enhancements, tailored to each individual’s unique features.

Woman stretching her back in a white sports bra.

Browse Before & After Photos By Body Part

Facelift to camouflage burns scar

A short scar facelift was performed to reduce the scar area and bring it closer to the ear, able to be covered by her hair. 

Platysmaplasty (neck lift)

Neck liposuction

A woman in her 40s concerned about a double chin and fatty neck. Her skin tone was good.
Liposuction was performed across the full width of the neck under the jawline, concentrating especially in the central inter-platysmal segment.
Results shown are at 2 months.

Necklift with lower facial compartment (jowl) lift

Facelift, composite neck lift and upper blepharoplasty

Neck liposuction

A young woman with fullness in the neck particularly under the chin.Her skin tone and quality was good.

Submental liposuction with lateral feathering was performed to improve the contour. Result shown as early as 6 weeks.

Facelift with limited neck lift and fat grafting with skin boosters

Facelift with upper eyelid belpharoplasty and neck lift

Corset Platysmaplasty

Woman in her 50s wishing removal of loose neck skin. Corset plastymaplasty performed.

Lower face and neck lift with liposuction

Neck lift with lower facial compartment lift

Neck and lower facelift – post weight loss change

A young lady who had significant weight loss and the resulting subsequent loose skin under her chin.  Preop photos are 1 week after a chemical peel (used to prep the dermis for surgery and the reason for the flaky skin. Postop photos were taken at 3 months.

Female Facelift, Necklift, Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty, with Skin Rejuvenation

Female Face and Necklift

Asian Eyelid Blepharoplasty

51 year old asian woman seeking blepharoplasty.

Characteristic asian eyelid features of full, heavy upper eyelid hooding with descent of fat pads and lack of a double eyelid fold giving a tired, sleepy appearance.

Asian eyelid blepharoplasty techniques were employed to correct these features giving a fresher, wider-eyed appearance.

Male Necklift and Lower Facelift

Female facelift and neck lift with lower eyelid support

Female Neck and Jowl lift

A young woman with severe, advanced ageing in her neck characterised by excessive loose skin and muscle bands. There was also moderate jowl prominence adding to the contour irregularity in her jawline. A neck lift with lower facial compartment tightening was performed to bring her lower face and neck into harmony with the rest of her face.

Female neck lift, lower facelift and upper eyelid blepharoplasty

Female facelift, neck lift and lower eyelid blepharoplasty

Female Necklift

A lady with advanced neck ageing discrepant to her face. Her slim build accentuating her platysmal (neck) muscle bands and excessive loose skin.

Her neck was reconstructed with a full corset platysmaplasty – tightening her underlying platysma muscle and removing the excess loose skin once her foundation was restored.

Submental liposuction for a fat pads in the neck

Female face and neck lift

Female facelift, necklift, upper and lower blepharoplasty

A middle aged woman concerned about periorbital ageing giving her a tired look as well as advanced facial and neck descent.

This was addressed with a combination face and neck lift with upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty.

The after photos were taken at 5 weeks hence a degree of postoperative swelling around the eyes but an overall natural, refreshed result.

Lower face and necklift with fat grafting

Upper Blepharoplasty

Upper and Lower eyelid Blepharoplasty

49 year old woman seeking periorbital rejuvenation by a Sydney Plastic Surgeon.

She demonstrated signs of advanced periorbital ageing out of proportion with the youthfulness of the rest of her face. She wished for a natural result to restore her facial harmony without an ‘operated’ look.

Breast Augmentation – 375cc, round, subfascial

lifestyle.Implants and technique: 375cc Round implants under the fascia of the muscle (subfascial technique).

Breast Augmentation – 300cc, round, subglandular

Implants and technique: 300cc Round implants on top of the muscle.

Breast Augmentation – 295cc, anatomic, post pregnancy, subglandular

This is a 32 year old woman looking for a Plastic Surgeon in Sydney to perform her breast augmentation. She has children who had breastfed.

Her wish was to increase her volume from a B cup to a natural looking D cup and to correct the droop and deflation since having kids.


Implants and technique: 295cc Teardrop implants on top of the muscle.

Breast Augmentation – 255cc, anatomic, post pregnancy, subglandular

Implants and technique: 255cc Teardrop implants on top of the muscle.

Breast Augmentation – 255cc, anatomic, submuscular

Implants and technique: 255cc Teardrop implants under the muscle.

Breast Augmentation – 225cc, anatomic, submuscular

This is a 24 year old woman looking for a Plastic Surgeon in Sydney to perform her breast augmentation.

Her wish was to increase her volume from an A cup to a modest C cup with a natural look so that she need not wear padded, push up bras again.

Her after photos at 4 weeks show how well her results have settled to demonstrate a natural look.

Implants and technique: 225cc Teardrop implants under the muscle.

Breast Augmentation – 225cc, anatomic, subglandular

Implants and technique: 225cc Teardrop implants on top of the muscle.

Breast Augmentation – 215cc, anatomic, subglandular

Implants and technique: 215cc Teardrop implants on top of the muscle.

Breast Augmentation – 180cc, anatomic, submuscular

This is a 39 year old woman looking for a Plastic Surgeon in Sydney to perform her breast augmentation. She has children and had breastfed.

Her wish was to increase her volume from a small A cup to a full B cup. She wanted a modest size increase to fit with her body’s proportions without her friends knowing she had undergone surgery. She also had a nipple reduction to bring her results into proportion.

Implants and technique: 180cc Teardrop implants under the muscle.

Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction

A 21 year old woman with HH cup breasts seeking a plastic surgeon in Sydney to perform breast reduction. She suffered backaches and skin excoriation. Her goal was to restore proportions.

Inferior Pedicle, Wise pattern short scar technique employed. (Postop photos taken at 8 weeks).

Breast Reduction– 225cc, anatomic, subglandular

Breast Augmentation – 215cc, anatomic, subglandular

Implants and technique: 225cc Teardrop implants on top of the muscle.

Abdominoplasty – rectus diverication

Before and after abdominoplasty results.



A woman in her 30s seeking Abdominoplasty from a Sydney plastic Surgeon due to intertrigo and discomfort precluding a healthy lifestyle.
A modified Pitanguy technique with adjunctive liposuction was used.

Upper lip reconstruction

A 64 year old man with an aggressive squamous cell cancer of the upper lip. The defect demonstrates a complex reconstructive challenge with care taken to restore the function of the lip for speech and feeding as well as the sensitive cosmetic nature of the area. The skin cancer was completely excised and reconstructed with an advancement flap utilising the remaining upper lip segments to achieve both form and function.

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18 Years Old?

This website contains imagery which is only suitable for audiences 18+. Plastic Surgery is invasive and has risks.