The brow lift procedure addresses aging in the upper third of the face. This zone often contributes to an aged look through a combination of heavy forehead, drooped eyebrows and frown lines across the forehead and bridge of the nose. These features may also cause an apparent excess of skin in the upper eyelids due to the descent of the structures above them.
Many people who would benefit from brow lifting compensate by actively lifting their eyebrows all the time. This adds to the frown lines in the forehead as well as often causing a frontal headache that becomes more noticeable towards the day’s end.
The brow lift procedure resuspends the forehead to a more youthful position thus improving the droop and wrinkling in the forehead, restoring the eyebrows to a better position and allowing for a more relaxed demeanour.
There are many techniques for brow lifting from traditional long incision techniques (that span the scalp or hairline), to more limited incision techniques (“lateral brow lift”) and keyhole surgery.
I generally prefer to use a combination of keyhole surgery (1 cm incision centrally) and limited incisions (3cms at the sides) hidden behind the hairline to resuspend the brow. This allows me to hide the incisions yet visualise and address all the pertinent areas of the brow and its musculature that require restoration.