This website contains imagery which is only suitable for audiences 18+. Plastic Surgery is invasive and has risks.


Labiaplasty is the procedure used to address issues with excess skin at the entrance of the vagina. This may be a product of normal development or after childbirth.

Apart from the obvious social embarrassment caused, commonly the procedure is also performed for discomfort with clothing and exercise, hygiene issues, and pain with intercourse.

It is a procedure with very successful outcomes and high patient satisfaction as not only is the look improved but also sensation.

Traditionally, the procedure involved literally a quick trim of the excess skin that was protruding and the raw edges oversewn with sutures. This I feel leads to risks of poor scarring and healing with unpredictable post-operative sensation. The more modern technique that I prefer to use removes excess skin from internally, thus preserving nerves and blood vessels to the natural external skin. This technique is more involved and time consuming but I feel provides much better outcomes in appearance and sensation.

I use dissolvable sutures throughout to avoid the discomfort of them being removed.

Blue appointment icon


The operation takes about 1 hour.

Icon of a hospital building with a cross on the front.


A day only procedure that does not require overnight hospitalisation.

Blue warning icon with exclamation mark


Risks are general to any procedure and specific to labiaplasty. I will go through these with you in detail based on your individual risk profile and the ways we minimise the risks. This will also be included in your surgery pack that will be provided after your initial consultation.

Medical cross symbol with a circular arrow indicating recovery time.


Patients recover quickly that they do most normal activities except sport within a week. Intercouse is avoided in the first 6 weeks.

Blue dollar symbol icon


Initial consultation is $350. If a second face to face consultation is required, there is a cost of $150.

A referral is required for your appointment.

The total cost of the procedure (surgeon, anaesthetist, hospital fees) and any rebates you may be entitled will be calculated for you after your initial consultation and you will be provided a written quote. Post-operative consultations are not charged.

Our Gallery
Speaks For Itself.

See below our before and after shots from previous plastic surgeries.

Facial rejuvenation results from side profile
Before and after tummy tuck results
Before and after breast enhancement
Before and after photos of double chin reduction with noticeable improvement.


Frequently Asked Questions

See below the most commonly asked questions we get about

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure to reshape or reduce the labia, often considered for comfort, appearance, or to address functional concerns.

Ideal candidates experience discomfort or wish to change the appearance of their labia and are in overall good health.

Recovery usually takes a few weeks, with post-operative instructions provided to support healing.

Scarring is minimal and typically well-hidden within natural folds.

Yes, labiaplasty results are long-lasting, though factors like aging may influence appearance over time.

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Before and after results of eyelid surgery
Before and after breast augmentation results.
Surgeons performing a plastic surgery procedure in an operating room
White icon of a bra and underwear in minimalist design

Are You
18 Years Old?

This website contains imagery which is only suitable for audiences 18+. Plastic Surgery is invasive and has risks.