This website contains imagery which is only suitable for audiences 18+. Plastic Surgery is invasive and has risks.


Abdominoplasty is the surgical technique used to remove excess fat and skin from the abdomen. It also addresses the underlying musculature and is often performed with liposuction. Designed well it can also taper sides of your tummy.

After pregnancy, the changes that the abdominal wall has gone through may leave residual loose skin, fat deposits or a weakness in the abdominal muscles that cannot be corrected with however much targeted exercise. Abdominoplasty can solve this frustrating situation.

The procedure ranges from a mini to a full abdominoplasty dependent on your requirements.

For a mini-abdominoplasty, the incision is similar to a Caesarean incision, just above the pubic region. This smaller procedure is useful for treating the lower half of the abdomen. In a full abdominoplasty, the incision extends across the lower abdomen, hidden in the underwear line. Through this incision, all layers of the abdominal wall are addressed. The abdominal musculature is tightened and excess skin and fat are removed with the umbilicus returned to a natural position. I routinely use liposuction to areas particularly below the ribs and in the sides to improve contour, maximise good healing and limit the length of scars. Please refer to our abdominoplasty informational post, should you require further information.

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The Abdominoplasty operation takes from 2-3 hours.

Icon of a hospital building with a cross on the front.


After undergoing an abdominoplasty procedure, there is generally a 5 night stay so that you return home independent without drains.

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Risks are general to any procedure and specific to abdominoplasty. I will go through these with you in detail based on your individual risk profile and the ways we minimise the risks. This will also be included in your surgery pack that will be provided after your initial consultation.

Medical cross symbol with a circular arrow indicating recovery time.


Following a tummy tuck, most patients recover with little discomfort, being able to sit out of bed and mobilise 24 hours after the procedure. An abdominal binder (garment) is worn for up to two months after the procedure (on a decreasing regime). Patients resume most activities after 2-3 weeks except for directed abdominal exercises, which must wait 3 months.

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Initial consultation is $350. If a second face to face consultation is required, there is a cost of $150.

A referral is required for your appointment.

The total cost of the procedure (surgeon, anaesthetist, hospital fees, garment) and any rebates you may be entitled will be calculated for you after your initial consultation and you will be provided a written quote. Post-operative consultations are not charged.

Top level Health Insurance is likely needed to cover the hospital portion.

Our Gallery
Speaks For Itself.

See below our before and after shots from previous plastic surgeries.

Facial rejuvenation results from side profile
Before and after tummy tuck results
Before and after breast enhancement
Before and after photos of double chin reduction with noticeable improvement.


Frequently Asked Questions

See below the most commonly asked questions we get about

An abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen, tightening the muscles for a firmer appearance.

Ideal candidates have loose or sagging abdominal skin, often due to weight loss or pregnancy, and are in good health.

Recovery typically includes several weeks of restricted activity, with post-operative care to ensure smooth healing.

Scarring is generally kept low on the abdomen, allowing it to be concealed under most clothing.

Results are generally long-lasting with a stable weight, but future weight changes or pregnancy can impact outcomes.

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Before and after results of eyelid surgery
Before and after breast augmentation results.
Surgeons performing a plastic surgery procedure in an operating room
White icon of a bra and underwear in minimalist design

Are You
18 Years Old?

This website contains imagery which is only suitable for audiences 18+. Plastic Surgery is invasive and has risks.